5-8 MARCH 2025
Official Conference Partners
Prabha Chandra
President, International Association for Women’s Mental Health
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We look forward to welcoming you to the 10th World Congress of Women’s Mental Health in Bangalore, India, from the 5th to 8th March, 2025.
Women’s mental health is a global priority and through this conference we hope to discuss, debate and do a deep dive into all aspects that affect the mental health of women. The 10th World Congress of Women’s Mental Health is being organised by the International Association of Women’s Mental Health and hosted by the globally renowned institution- the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) at Bangalore in India.
It is my honour as president of the association to invite you to this 10th World Congress in the vibrant city of Bangalore in South India known for its salubrious weather, rich cultural heritage and its academic and scientific institutions. This exciting multidisciplinary conference will serve as a platform for discussing a range of topics related to women’s mental health in innovative and interesting formats.
Join us for this 10th congress of the IAWMH, its first in South Asia, after the highly successful conferences in Tokyo, Dublin, Paris and Maastricht. A conference where mental health professionals, neuroscientists as well as social scientists from across the globe will converge for learning, sharing, and networking about the mental health of women.
We will have keynote lectures and panel sessions with world renowned speakers that provide adequate time for discussion and audience participation; symposia and workshops on contemporary topics, clinical case discussions, presentations on innovative practices and initiatives across the world, meaningful participation by persons with lived experience and an exciting program for early career professionals.
The conference will be held at the modern convention centre at the NIMHANS campus that has large conference rooms as well as adequate break-out meeting and workshop rooms. Being onsite at the campus of this renowned 70 year old institution during its Platinum Jubilee year will provide opportunities for delegates to visit the Mother Baby unit, the Brain Museum, the NIMHANS heritage museum, the yoga centre and the NIMHANS Centre for Well Being. NIMHANS also has state of art brain imaging facilities, genetics and neuro physiology labs and one of the largest brain stimulation services in the region, all of which will be open to delegates.
Bangalore is a city renowned for its rich culture and history and the Congress will provide space to savour the culture and spirit of India. The congress hopes to discuss many areas - including the development of women friendly services, training methods, psychological, social and medical interventions for women, the neuroscience of mental health problems in women as well as social and cultural aspects. We hope that the congress will lead to many North- South and South- South collaborations in the areas of women’s mental health.
We promise a wonderful blend of scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and cultural experiences and eagerly look forward to welcoming you to Bangalore in March 2025.
Warm regards,
Prabha Chandra
President, International Association for Women’s Mental Health