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Conference Themes

1. Addiction and impact on women’s mental health
2. Adolescence and Gender
3. Adversity and psychiatry (Violence and mental health; Poverty and mental health)
4. Anxiety disorders
5. Art, culture, literature and women’s mental health
6. Bipolar disorders
7. Classification, diagnostic assessment and nomenclature
8. Clinical practice in women’s mental health- unique challenges and directions
9. Community mental health
10. Digital psychiatry
11. Dissociative and somatization disorders
12. Eating disorders
13. Ecology, psychiatry and mental health
14. Gender Based Violence including Sexual Violence
15. Genetics and epigenetics
16. Geriatric women mental health
17. Health Systems
18. Leadership and Professional issues including Ethics
19. Lived Experience -Patient and caregiver perspectives

20. Medical Conditions, Neuro Psychiatry and mental health
21. Menopause
22. Menstrual Cycle related conditions including PMDD
23. Mood disorders, depressive disorders and other depression and anxiety
24. Neuromodulation (including DBS, TMS; tDCS, VNS; Neurofeedback)
25. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
26. Perinatal Disorders
27. Personality disorders
28. Primary Prevention
29. Psychopathology and epistemological issues in psychiatry
30. Psychopharmacology
31. Psychotherapies
32. Recovery and Rehabilitation
33. Rights, Justice
34. Schizophrenia and psychotic spectrum disorders
35. Sexuality and Sexual functions/dysfunction
36. Social Determinants
37. Somatic treatments other than pharmacotherapy
38. Suicidology
39. Training of health professionals
40. Trauma Informed Care
41. Trauma, PTSD - Clinical aspects

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