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Guidelines for Workshop

Workshop Format:

Workshops will be an integral part of our conference, providing a platform for interactive learning in various areas of interest. Workshops should focus on specific topics relevant to one or more sub-themes of the conference.

There will be two types of workshops: 

  1. Pre Conference Workshops on 5th March, 2025 (half or full day)

  2. Conference Workshops (90 minutes)

Workshop Submission Guidelines: 

        Please read the guidelines provided below carefully before submission.

Please use Person First and Identity First language to ensure

inclusivity and respect for diversity.

If in doubt, please use this resource

  • Abstracts should be uploaded to the conference website/portal by
    dates mentioned on our website.

  •  Clearly specify in your submission if the workshop is for:
                  1. Pre Conference Workshop
                  2. Conference Workshop

  • Kindly note the organizers reserve the right to allocate workshops to specific time slots based on scheduling requirements.

  • The total word count for your abstract submission is 250 words. This is exclusive of the title (word count -12), authors, and affiliations. 

  • The abstract should be written in English. 

  • Each person can submit a maximum of three abstracts (including for oral/ePoster, symposium or workshop)

  • Please refer to the Conference List of Themes and indicate the Theme Number at the beginning of your submission.

  • Each workshop must have a minimum of 2 facilitators.

  • Each workshop proposal should include:

  • Title: A clear and concise description of what the workshop will entail

  • Workshop Facilitator(s): Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the individual(s) leading the workshop.

  • Objectives: Clearly defined goals and learning outcomes of the workshop. Indicate who your target audience will be. 

  • Session Plan: A brief overview of the workshop content including details on the structure and activities planned. 

  •  Materials: Any materials or resources required including audio-visual aids, handouts etc. 

  • Maximum number of participants: Specify the maximum capacity for the workshop, if applicable.

  • By definition, a workshop should be interactive with delegates and this should be reflected in your session plan. 

  • All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process by the Scientific committee.

  • Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by dates mentioned on our website.

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