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Modes of Abstract Submission

Symposium Format:

Symposium Format: The symposia sessions are designed to provide an engaging platform for in-depth discussions on specific topics relevant to the sub-themes of the conference. 


  • Each symposium will be for a duration of 90 minutes.

  • It will consist of three speakers and one chairperson (one of the speakers can chair the symposium).

  • The Chair will introduce the topic for 5 minutes.

  • Each speaker will be allotted 20 minutes for their presentation followed by a 20 minute overall discussion and closing remarks by the Chair for 5 minutes.

  • The chairperson will moderate the session to ensure smooth transitions and facilitate discussions.

  • We prefer that all the presentations in one symposium are not from the same institution or country. Symposia with representation from different regions/ countries/institutions will be given preference, though this is not mandatory


Submission Guidelines:

       Please read the guidelines provided below carefully before submission.

Please use Person First and Identity First language to ensure

inclusivity and respect for diversity.

If in doubt, please use this resource

  • Abstracts should be uploaded to the conference website/portal by dates mentioned our website

  • Symposia abstracts should include a Summary Abstract of maximum 250 words that specifies the over-arching concept of the symposium and 3 separate Presentation Abstracts each with a word limit of 250 words. 

  • The abstract should be written in English. 

  • Please refer to the Conference List of Themes and indicate the Theme Number at the beginning of your submission.

  • Ensure that the Summary Abstract has the Names and Affiliations of each of the 3 presenters. Also, indicate the name and affiliation of the proposed chairperson for the symposium session.

  • Each person can submit a maximum of three abstracts (including for oral/ePoster, symposium/workshop)

  • Each presentation abstract should include the following information:

  • Title: It should be clear, concise and no more than 12 words.

  • Authors: List the names, affiliations and contact information of all contributing authors.

  • Background: What essential information should readers grasp before comprehending the purpose of your presentation? Lay the groundwork for further exploration of the topic.

  • Approach/Methods: Outline the methods employed to organize information for your presentation. 

  • Results: Highlight your key findings and elucidate them. What information is paramount for understanding this topic? 

  • Implications: Interpret the implications of your findings for a broader audience. 

  • All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process by the Scientific committee.

  • Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by dates mentioned on our website.

Here are examples of a Summary Abstract and a Presentation Abstract to help you with your submission. 


Summary Abstract Example– 250 words excluding title and author details.

Theme- 5

Title- Challenges of Screening for Perinatal Depression in the Community 


Chairperson- Name, Affiliation, Country, Email address


Presenter 1 – Name, Affiliation, Country, Email address


Presenter 2 - Name, Affiliation, Country, Email address


Presenter 3 - Name, Affiliation, Country, Email address


Title: Challenges of Screening for Perinatal Depression in the Community


Background: Perinatal depression poses a significant public health challenge. Screening for perinatal depression in the community is crucial for early identification and intervention. However, numerous challenges hinder effective screening practices, including lack of awareness and variability in screening tools' accuracy.


Methods/Approach: This symposium explores the multifaceted nuances of screening for perinatal depression in community settings. Findings from three empirical studies employing different methodologies will be presented to elucidate the complexities surrounding perinatal depression screening. 


Results: Key areas that will be discussed are prevalence of perinatal depression, commonly used screening tools and their limitations, and perceptions of health workers and expectant mothers regarding the perinatal depression. These findings will highlight disparities across different geographical areas, the importance of culturally sensitive tools, and the need for improved training for healthcare professionals and greater awareness among mothers in the community. 


Implications: The symposium aims to generate discussion on strategies to address the challenges of perinatal depression screening in the community. Attendees will gain insights into innovative approaches to enhance screening effectiveness, such as integrating technology, and promoting mental health literacy. Ultimately, the symposium seeks to deliberate on practices that can facilitate early detection and intervention for perinatal depression, thereby improving maternal and infant outcomes and fostering healthier communities.

Presentation Abstract Example– 250 words each 

Title: The Perceived Challenges of Perinatal Depression Screening: A Qualitative Study Among Community Health Workers


Author(s) Name, Affiliation and Contact Information



Background: Community health workers known as Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) play a vital role in fostering maternal health in India. However, little is known

about the challenges they face in conducting screening for perinatal depression in community settings. This qualitative study aims to explore the perceived challenges of perinatal depression screening among ASHAs to inform targeted interventions and improve screening practices.


Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 12 ASHAs working in diverse community settings in Karnataka. Thematic analysis was employed to identify patterns and themes in the data.


Results: The findings reveal a multitude of challenges faced by ASHAs in perinatal depression screening, including limited training and knowledge about perinatal mental health, time constraints, and the lack of supportive resources and referral pathways. Additionally, stigma surrounding mental health and perceived resistance from mothers pose significant barriers to effective screening practices.


Implications: The study findings underscore the need for targeted interventions and support mechanisms to address the challenges identified by ASHAs in perinatal depression screening. Fostering collaborative relationships between ASHAs and healthcare professionals, as well as integrating mental health services into existing maternal care frameworks, can facilitate more effective screening and intervention efforts in community settings.

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